IASOC Annual Prizes 2021 Announcement

IASOC/GITOC il . Brevi, Criminalità, Informazione, Internazionale, Mafie

To honour the best and brightest in organized crime research, IASOC is awarding prizes in four categories in 2021:

  • Best Journal Article 
    recognizes a peer-reviewed article on the broadly defined area of organized crime. Journal articles must be nominated by others; no self nominations, please.
  • Best Book
    recognizes the best book or monograph on the broadly defined area of organized crime. Books may be published on commercial or academic presses; self-published books are ineligible. Books can be nominated by book publishers or author(s). Self nominations are welcome.
  • Best Ph.D. Thesis / Dissertation
    Excellent Ph.D. theses or dissertations defended successfully three years before the year of the award, from 1 June (e.g. to nominate in 2021, the thesis must have been defended after 1 June 2018). Can be nominated by the candidate’s supervisor or department chair.
  • Distinguished Scholar
    Scholars who have made significant advances in the study of organized crime throughout their careers. Must be nominated by others;  no self nominations, please.

To nominate someone please fill out this form.

➡️ You will be asked to include a letter of nomination, stating the reasons why the work or person ought to be considered for the IASOC prize.
➡️ In the case of article and thesis nominations, you will be asked to include a copy of the work.
➡️ For the publication prizes and the thesis prize, works must be published or defended within the three years prior to the closing of the nomination cycle (e.g. to nominate in 2021, the publication or thesis must have been published or defended after 1 June 2018).

All nominations are due by 30 June 2021.
All nominations and nominated works must be available in English.

Nominate here

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