Libera al Kinookus Food Film Festival a Ston in Croazia

di redazione il . Internazionale

LIBERA Associations, Names and Numbers against mafias was born on march 25th 1995 with the purpose of involving and supporting all those who are interested in the fight against mafias and organized crime. Libera is presently a network of more than 1,200 associations, groups and schools, committed to build up organizational synergies between the political and cultural local realities capable of promoting a culture of lawfulness. In order to achieve the goals outlined in our mission, Libera is composed by several specific sectors, which work everyone for a different area of social expertise, in the frame of the “social antimafia”, promoting rights, education to legality and peace, independent information, culture and a general condition of social justice. One of the most important sector is Libera Formation, which is dedicated to the creation and running of educational programs regarding the values of citizenship and the fight against the mafia. These programs aim to raise awareness about issues of civic responsibility and promote respect for the law by forging relationships with schools, universities, private organizations and local administrations.
The Cinefocus section 2013 presents the most interesting field of action of Libera: Free Land – Confiscated properties. On Sicily, in Apulia, in Calabria and Campania, students’ cooperatives farm the land confiscated from the mafia producing oil, wine, pasta, taralli, legumes and other organic produce. All the products products are marked with the Libera Terra (Free Land) quality and civic responsibility assurance. Antonio Dell’Olio from Libera International is going to present to the guests and visitors of Cinefocus section on Friday 6 September in the atrium of the Rector’s Palace some of the activities and products of this unique organisation.

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Premio Morrione Finanzia la realizzazione di progetti di video inchieste su temi di cronaca nazionale e internazionale. Si rivolge a giovani giornalisti, free lance, studenti e volontari dell’informazione.



logo Un nuovo progetto editoriale e un bimestrale di Libera e Gruppo Abele, LaViaLibera eredita l'esperienza del mensile Narcomafie, fondato nel 1993 dopo le stragi di Capaci e via D'Amelio.


Articolo 21

Articolo 21: giornalisti, giuristi, economisti che si propongono di promuovere il principio della libertà di manifestazione del pensiero (oggetto dell’Articolo 21 della Costituzione italiana da cui il nome).


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