One month after the start of the Israel-Gaza war, 39 journalists and media workers killed

CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists) il . Brevi, Diritti, Guerre, Informazione, Internazionale, Politica, SIcurezza

One month after the start of the Israel-Gaza war, CPJ’s research showed at least 39 journalists and media workers have been killed, in what is now the deadliest month for journalists since CPJ began gathering data in 1992.

As the conflict continues, journalists are facing increased hostilities, including 13 arrests, as well as numerous assaults, threats that obstruct reporting, cyberattacks, and censorship.

This week, CPJ joined in solidarity with journalists and press freedom advocates who gathered to mourn their colleagues killed during the ongoing war. The heartfelt gathering was organized by photojournalist David Delgado and colleagues whose moving tribute to the lives of those who bear witness at immense cost, was echoed with candles and flowers from attendees.

As journalists try to stay safe and continue working, they are also dealing with severe personal loss. Several journalists have also lost family members while covering the war. On October 25, Wael Al Dahdouh, Al-Jazeera’s bureau chief for Gaza, lost his wife, son, daughter, and grandson when an Israel airstrike hit the Nuseirat refugee camp in the center of Gaza.

Dive deeper

Gaza through the eyes of a photographer killed in an airstrike and through the Instagram accounts of Palestinians documenting life under airstrikes.

Read our FAQ on how CPJ documents journalist deaths in the war.

Subscribe to our Middle East and North Africa team newsletter for updates on the Israel-Gaza war and press freedom news from the region.

Learn from The Washington Post about how internet blackouts keep hitting Gaza over a week after a total communications blackout hit Gaza.

Read this opinion piece in MSNBC by Ayman Mohyeldin on Why we need journalists like my friend Wael in Gaza now more than ever.

The New Yorker describes how prominent left-wing Israeli and Palestinian journalists and peace activists are increasingly being targeted with harassment and doxxed.

Reuters and The New York Times’ statements denying the allegations that their journalists had advance knowledge of the October 7 Hamas attack.

Photo by Stephanie Keith

Committee to Protect Journalists


Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict

Journalist casualties in the Israel-Gaza conflict

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