100 days since Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich was detained in Russia

CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists) il . Brevi, Corruzione, Diritti, Guerre, Informazione, Internazionale, Politica, SIcurezza

Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich will have spent 100 days behind bars as of Friday, July 7. Gershkovich, the newspaper’s accredited Russia correspondent, was reporting when he was detained and falsely accused of espionage.

His employer vehemently denies the allegations, and CPJ, media organizations, and the U.S. government have called for his immediate release.

Russia continues to extend his pretrial detention, most recently on May 23. Meanwhile, consular access for U.S. officials has been restricted, though the U.S. ambassador to Russia was recently able to visit Gershkovich. He faces up to 20 years in prison under Russia’s criminal code.

CPJ’s 2022 prison census counted 19 journalists imprisoned in Russia due to their reporting, the highest number in the country since CPJ started keeping records in 1992.

Journalism is not a crime. Gershkovich is a journalist, not a spy, and should be released immediately and without conditions.

Dive deeper:

🎙 Listen to CPJ expert Gulnoza Said speak on the Just Security podcast in April about how she expects Russia to handle Gershkovich’s detention.

🔎 Check out our Ask Me Anything with Gershkovich’s editor Deborah Ball and CPJ President Jodie Ginsberg as they answer questions about his imprisonment and press freedom worldwide.

🎥 Watch the International Journalism Festival panel, “#IStandWithEvan: Free Evan Gershkovich,” about the broader context and implications of his imprisonment. Panelists include CPJ’s president, The Wall Street Journal’s World Coverage Chief Gordon Fairclough, Global Head of Visuals Shazna Nessa, and editor-in-chief Emma Tucker; and Washington Post Opinions writer Jason Rezaian.

Take action:

⭐️ Join us on Twitter and tweet your support for Evan Gershkovich.

📣 Advocate on social media using The Wall Street Journal’s collection of photos and cover images to raise the call for his freedom.

⚡️ Read and share CPJ, news organizations, and partners’ letter to the Russian Embassy in the US calling for Gershkovich’s release.

📝 Write a letter to Gershkovich and his family here.

CPJ (Committee to Protect Journalists)

La lettera dei direttori dei quotidiani italiani in favore del giornalista Evan Gershkovich

Mobilitazione internazionale in favore del giornalista USA Evan Gershkovich, arrestato in Russia

«Arresto vergognoso, libertà per Evan Gershkovich», la Fnsi al fianco di Ifj e Efj

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