Seven Years of the Struggle for Justice for Daphne

Repubblika and #occupyjustice il . Associazioni, Brevi, Corruzione, Criminalità, Diritti, Informazione, Internazionale, Mafie, Politica, Progetti e iniziative

Repubblika and #occupyjustice are commemorating the seventh year since the death of Daphne Caruana Galizia, a journalist who worked against corruption and organized crime.

During this year’s activities Repubblika will inaugurate an anti-corruption Strategy and Manifesto entitled “Defending Integrity”. A new documentary will also be inaugurated, the work of journalists Julian Delia and Michael Kaden entitled “Untangling the Mafia State”.

The activities will culminate on Wednesday, October 16, with a Silent Gathering in Bidnija at the time and place of Daphne Caruana Galizia’s death, and in the evening in Valletta, a demonstration that starts opposite the Parliament and ends with the vigil in Misraħ l-Assedju l-Kbir.

The vigil will be attended by Françoise Laborde, a prominent French television journalist and activist for the rights of women and minorities and Tiberio Bentivoglio, an Italian businessman who refused to collaborate with the mafia, was threatened, survived an attempt on his life, and works against organized crime.

The President of Repubblika Vicki Ann Cremona said that “justice has not been done to Daphne Caruana Galizia and until it happens we have a duty to insist that it be done. Much less justice has been done to our country which is still suffering the consequences of the corruption that Daphne exposed. It is our duty the Maltese that together we find a way to shoulder the responsibility for the worst evil that has been committed in our country, so that we can learn from it and build for our children a country that wants what is right.”

On behalf of #occupyjustice, Louiselle Vassallo said that “justice is our duty. Daphne didn’t just wait for the authorities to do the right thing. She did not wash her hands with indifference when the corrupt and criminals seized power. Instead she exposed them and challenged them at great risk to herself. Her example drags us on. And we have a duty to remember her example while we fight for justice to be done to her and to Malta.”

The organizers are appealing to the public to take part in these commemorative activities and help pay the costs to put them up by donating on the crowdfunding site

Repubblika and #occupyjustice


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