Parigi. Evasione fiscale e criminalità finanziaria

a cura di Libera il . Internazionale

9-10 luglio 2014, MAS, Parigi, Francia

Stazione Metro più vicina: Porte d’Ivry / Bibliothèque François Mitterrand / Olympiades
Paradisi fiscali, criminalità finanziaria,mafia e riciclaggio saranno i temi al centro della prossima tavola rotonda organizzata da European Alternatives il 9 e 10 Luglio presso il MAS di Parigi. Due giorni di conferenze e dibattiti con la partecipazione di esperti, giornalisti, rappresentanti delle istituzioni ed attivisti: Jean de Maillard, Marius Frunza, Marcel Hipszman, Sandro Mattioli, Fabrice Rizzoli, Aline Robert, Mauro Vaudano, Lucie Watrinet sono solo alcuni dei nomi che prenderanno parte alla due giorni.

L’iniziativa è parte del progetto Tackling Illegal Economy, progetto supportato dalla Commissione Europea, con l’obiettivo di promuovere la confisca ed il riutilizzo sociale dei beni sottratti alla criminalità organizzata, come uno degli strumenti principe del contrasto alla criminalità, specie nel suo risvolto economico e finanziario. Un progetto che vede insieme università, ong, istituzioni, lavorare insieme con ricerche e momenti pubblici e di approfondimento per identificare, promuovere e diffondere le migliori pratiche di riutilizzo sociale dei beni confiscati.


Tax evasion and Financial Criminality in Europe: New Forms of Fraud, New Social Struggles
09-10 July 2014, MAS, Paris, France
Address: 10/18 rue des terres au curé – 75013 Paris
Underground stop: Porte d’Ivry / Bibliothèque François Mitterrand / Olympiades
Tax Heavens, financial criminality, mafia and money laundering will be the main themes of the following round table organised by European Alternatives on July the 9th and 10th. A two days conference with the participation of experts, journalists, institutions and activists: Jean de Maillard, Marius Frunza, Marcel Hipszman, Sandro Mattioli, Fabrice Rizzoli, Aline Robert, Mauro Vaudano, Lucie Watrinet are just some of the panelists taking part to the event. 

This event is part of the project ‘Tackling Illegal Economy (TIE)’, supported by European Commission, which is aimed at promoting confiscation and recovery of the proceeds of crime, as one of the most important transnational tools for the fight against financial and economic crime. Therefore, it brings together partner civil society organisations to jointly identify, promote and disseminate best practices on the re-use of illicit assets.

JULY the 9th
13.00 -14.00 Registration of participants and light welcome refreshments
14.00 – 15.30 Introduction. Financial criminality as the next stage in criminality development
Framework (legal, political…):  criminality is ahead of struggles to fight it
Moderator: Rosen Dimov, PhD (European Alternatives) 
Mario Vaudano (Observatoire Geopolitique des Criminalités, former OLAF and magistrate)
15.30 – 16.00 Coffee break
16.00 – 17.15 Case studies: tax evasion in France and in the world
Moderator: Elena Dalibot (European Alternatives)
Fabrice Rizzoli (FLARE France)
Marius Frunza (Schwarzthal Kapital, Universite Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne): an overview of fiscal fraud in the EU
17.15 – 18.45 Particular forms of financial crime – workshops:
World Café methodology – 2 rounds of 45 minutes
Tax evasion through tax havens and multinational companies with Lucie Watrinet (CCFD)
Carbon tax fraud with Aline Robert (;
TAFTA and its effects on tax evasion with Paulina Petrova (BIBO);
The Money-Laundering Chain Russia-Germany-Italy-Spain with Sarah Mazzenzana (Mafia? Nein Danke!);
Development aid as a vehicle for non-taxable assets and laundered illegal capital withDotun Oloko (whistleblower)
18.45 – 19.00 Presentation of results and wrap-up of day 1

JULY the 10th
9.30-10.30 Jean de Maillard (magistrate)  How did financial fraud become a tool to manage the economy, finance and crises?
10.30 – 11.00: Coffee break
11:00 – 12:30: Prevention of financial crime and social re-use of illegal assets
Moderator: Maria Chiara Prodi (LIBERA France)
Noel Hatch (European Alternatives): Involving citizens in the reuse of community assets
Ass. Prof. Dr. Darina Zaimova (Thrakia University)
Marcel Hipszman (former assistant to the interministerial delegate to social economy): the role of social economy in the fight against organised crime and social re-use
12.30 – 13.30 Lunch – with food grown in socially reused confiscated property (tbc)
 13.30 – 15.30 Investigating fiscal fraud
Moderator: Sandro Mattioli (Mafia? Nein Danke!)
Alessia Cerantola (Investigative Reporting Project Italy) 
Aline Robert ( 
Bo Elkjær ( 
Dan Israel (Mediapart)
15.30 – 16.00  Coffee break
16.00-17.00 Open discussion and exchange of best practices among participants
Moderator: Rosen Dimov, PhD (European Alternatives)
17.00 – 17.30 Next steps and conclusion
Goodbye coffee and light refreshments available

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